Importance of Induction programmes in Recruiting



Organizations has to recruit new candidates to fill the vacancies derived from leaving or changing job roles of existing employees or launching new projects. These new employees can be anxious due to different experiences which they have to face in their first days with the company. To ensure new employees have sufficient knowledge and confidence to play their role along with the organizational goals and objectives, conducting an induction programme has become essential process. It is beneficial to the both employee and employer. It has significant impact on employee by boosting their morale, first impression, integration within team and job satisfaction. Decreasing employee turnover and absenteeism as well as increasing the employer brand value and employee commitment can be achieved through successful induction process. (CIPD,2021)

The induction is the last step in recruiting and selection process. It is a fundamental training program of the organization. (Klein and Waver, 2000) It provides guide to be familiar with the core-workers and managers of the company, learn its norms and share its values with others. It is a whole process to adjust new employees to the new working environment do their job effectively. (Taylor,2014 cited in Leatherbarrow and Fletcher,2010) The organizations all over the world make efforts to orient their employees through staff hand books, seminars, conferences, on the job training, co-worker meetings and staff forums. (Salau, Falola and Akinbode, 2014) The time of the induction period depend on job role, size and nature of the business, and background of the new employee. (CIPD,2021)

The employer takes this opportunity to welcome and give brief introduction about organizational structure, culture, people, policies, procedures, rules and regulations. Avoiding overload unnecessary information is employer’s responsibility. But mostly new employees experience limited information when they join to the business organization. Later this may lead to huge staff turnover. (CIPD, 2021; Leatherbarrow and Fletcher,2010) Besides new employees, induction programmes should be available for graduate trainees, people come after long term career break or absentees, senior managerial people or directors, promotes, transferers, temporary staff, remote and hybrid workers as well as job sharers. (CIPD,2021)


Effective Induction:

To avoid new employees leaving the company within short time of period ‘Effective Induction programme’ is very important in an organization. This process to be done before appointing them as workers. If the whole selection process has to be started again and it will be an extra financial and time cost to the company. The right induction save money, time and increase productivity. (Butler, 2008 cited in Salau, Falola and Akinbode, 2014)

The most of business organizations introduce effective induction programs to create highly engaged workforce and retain them with the company for a long time period. When develop an induction programme organization has to determine what they are going to emphasize and who are the resource people available with them. (Leatherbarrow and Fletcher,2010)  


(  Figure 1 Impact on organization ,Author developed)


The researchers had found that effective induction significantly influences toward the employee attitudes, behaviour, productivity and retention. The information reveal in the induction should be relevant and real. The main reason for poor performance is lack of knowledge, skills or attitudes. Nd Therefore induction programmes should be up to date and improved from time to time. The induction policies ensure fairness for every employees. Considering significant impact on retention and effectiveness, ‘Induction’ has become vital factor in recruiting process. (Salau, Falola and Akinbode, 2014)

                                                                (Quodeck, 2020)


 CIPD, (2021) Induction [online] available on induction-factsheet accessed on 23rd April 2022

Leatherbarrow, C. and Fletcher, J. (2018) Introduction to human resource management, 4th edition, London: Kogan page [online] available at accessed on 23rd April 2022

Salau, O.P., Falola, H.O. and Akinbode, J.O. (2014) Induction and staff attitude towards retention and organizational effectiveness. IOSR Journal of Business and Management,16(4), pp 47-52

Quodeck, (2020) 5 benefits of an induction programme [online] available at [Accessed on 22nd April 2022]






  1. Conferring to (Ingersoll, 2004) Support, guidance, and orientation programs for beginner elementary and secondary teachers in their transition to their first teaching job in recent years — collectively called motivation. This study examines whether such support has a positive effect on the retention of start-up teachers. The study focuses on different types and components of motivation, including counseling programs, collective team activities and the provision of additional resources and workload reduction.
    Ingersoll, R. M. and Smith, T. M. (2004) ‘Do Teacher Induction and Mentoring Matter?’, NASSP Bulletin, 88(638), pp. 28–40. DOI: 10.1177/019263650408863803

  2. The Benefits of an Induction Programme
    A good induction programme will create a positive picture of your organisation which will help motivate the new employee. Good inductions have been shown to increase staff retention because they offer a stronger sense of commitment. They also ensure that a new employee becomes productive more quickly. Effective inductions will establish good communication between employer and employee, which is vital to maintain a happy and motivated workforce.

    Getting this critical stage wrong can be costly, time consuming and may even land you in a prickly situation.

  3. Recruiting and retaining employees is a huge issue for companies of all sizes, so once you have gone through the selection process and made an appointment it is important you give the new employee every opportunity to succeed in their new role. Most employees’ walk into a new job full of enthusiasm and can’t wait start work and make an impact within the organization.

  4. yes . Induction is very much important in recruiting. i feel that induction provides new beginners with important information about their new job. The motivational process helps businesses accept new recruits and transition to their new role; Giving new employees the ability to feel supported as they adapt. Providing employees with a motivational program is considered best practice(employsure , 2022)

  5. Most employees’ walk into a new job full of enthusiasm and can’t wait start work and make an impact within the organization. Sadly this enthusiasm can quickly dwindle if they are not supported, the company fails to communicate keys responsibilities or if they feel they have been bombarded with so much new information and left to their own resources.


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