Workforce Diversity through Recruiting Strategy



The workforce diversity has become fast growing trend in business world. Most of companies consider diversity as core value in the business organization because the work force diversity is a competitive strong tool in current business world. It can be known as a social system consists with culturally different people. (Cox, 1993) There are two types of diversity in work place. They are inherent diversity and acquired diversity. The inherent diversity means being different in demographic factors like race, gender, age, religious and cultural beliefs. The acquired diversity means being different in education, experiences, skills, values, knowledge. The work place diversity means understanding, accepting and values these differences in people. Although these both diversities bring value to the organization culture to create talent pools the acquired diversity is essential in business world.  Workforce diversity is a strategy to hire best talent with different backgrounds, knowledge and skills. This representation can be in forms of different business partners, employees, consultants, student workers. (Byrd and Scott, 2018; Ideal, 2022)  

  To be competent in the labor market, business organizations have to work towards attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining diversified work force. The companies which do effective recruiting and managing workforce diversity shows have significant competitive advantage in the business world. The business organizations with diversified leadership drives the organization towards high financial performance and business growth, innovation, competitiveness, successful decision making, high language and cultural awareness, high employee engagement as well as ability to quick problem solving. The researchers had found that companies with diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues, 1.7 times innovation leaders and 67% job seekers accept that diversity as essential (Mcconnell, 2021) Whatever position in an organization, workforce diversity brings tremendous opportunities for creativity, ideas and potential contributions. The recruiting has top role in work place diversity. The research done by Society for Human Resource Management revealed that above 57% of recruiters designed their strategies to attract diversified candidate. (Mittman and Singer,2020; Aghazadeh, 2004)


                                                      (Gregg, 2018)                




1.1Creating more diversified pool of candidates

                        The candidates who have different perspectives and backgrounds deliver new ideas for problem solving and innovations. Creating a diverse pool of competent candidates regardless their gender, race, religion, back ground, sexual orientation is a crucial step in recruiting and selection.

                                           Figure 1 (Author developed)


1.2Tools to create work place Diversity :

1.     Artificial Intelligent (AI robots) for resume screening

            The resume screening process is entirely done by AI technology. Based on pre-decided parameters screening process will be done. It provides completely impartial shortlist with out any sort of bias.

2.     Bling Resumes

                        To screen candidates based on personal information mentioned on resumes. This technique is very popular since it has no any biases towards candidates.

3.     Blind Interviews

                        To screen the candidate from pool, having an early conversation is the strategy using in blind interviews. This is effective method to early screening without biases.


 1.3 Challenges of work force Diversity (Ideal,2022)

  1.             High volatility in Innovation and Creativity
  2.             Constructive debate over an issues
  3.             Inter-personal conflicts
  4.             Promoting inclusiveness
  5.             Combating stereotypes and discriminatory behaviours
  6.             Challenges in implementing diversity recruiting process
  7.             Managements and analysis of inclusion offers 


Aghazadeh, S.M. (2004) Managing work force diversity as an essential resource for improving organizational performance. International journal of productivity and performance management, 53(6), 521-531

Byrd, M.Y. and Scott, C.L. (eds.) (2018) Diversity in the workforce.2nd edition. [Perlego] New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group

Ideal, (2022) Workplace diversity though recruitments. [online]available at [Accessed on 28th April 2022]

Gregg, (2018) Diversity in recruitment  [online video] available from [Accessed on 23rd April 2022]

Macconnell, B., (2021) Diversity and inclusion: 12 ways to improve your diversity recruiting strategy. [online] available at [Accessed on 23rd April 2022]

Mittman, J. and Singer, C., (2020) How to create more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. [online] USA:SHRM available at [Accessed on 24th April]








  1. As you mention in Article, Workforce diversity is a fast-growing trend in the business world and with good reason. As companies recognize and emphasize the importance of workplace diversity, they need to set metrics to measure impact and success. A diversity recruitment strategy helps organizations prioritize, track, and deliver on their goals. Most recruiters and managers would agree that a diverse team helps companies be more innovative, creative and achieve better results. You don’t even have to look at the stats to know intuitively that diversity recruiting contributes to a better overall performance.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. According to (Kreitz, 2008) top management commitment coupled with HR manager’s efforts, skills and knowledge is crucial for combating these challenges and meeting diversity goals. Diversity requires a type of organizational culture in which each employee is encouraged to grow and succeed successful diversity management strategy must address organizational culture change, to create an environment where diversity is valued and nurtured. employees under common value sets and thus helps in embracing diversity as a tool for augmenting organizational effectiveness and performance (Babalola & Marques, 2013) also successful diversity management strategy must address organizational culture change, to create an environment where diversity is valued and nurtured anyway this is very worth reading.

  4. According to (Kundu, 2015) Effective diversity management hinges on valuing diversity by top management and developing an organizational culture to support diversity initiatives. At the strategic level, top management is expected to formulate organizational strategies by critically evaluating the benefits of workforce diversity in their organization. In addition, HR managers should act as a catalyst in levering diversity by developing an organizational culture that supports and nurtures diversity at the strategic, operational and tactical level

    Kundu, S.C., Bansal, J. and Chawla, A.S., 2015. Managing workforce diversity through HR practices: a review. Emerging Horizons in Business Management; Victorious Publishers: Delhi, India, pp.115-124.

  5. Of course, As companies recognize and emphasize the importance of workplace diversity, there is a need to set parameters that measure impact and success. A diversified recruitment strategy helps organizations prioritize, pursue, and prioritize their goals.(Campbell, 2021)


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